
Helen Dickson
Dachshund in Dog Wheelchair
Greta is a 4 yo doxie that was paralyzed after back surgery. The last three months it was as if this exuberant gal lost her spirit as she would drag herself all around the house. It was sad to see her personality change as if she were depressed that she could not play with her other fur siblings. We took a drive to K-9 Carts East where the staff welcomed us with open arms. Greta got her new wheels and has her bubbly personality back. She is chasing varmints, ears flapping in the wind, and playing with her buddies. When she is tired she pulls right up to the dog bed and lays next to her buddies as if nothing has changed.. It truly was a gift to find someone as knowledgeable as the staff at k9 who understood our needs. She takes a corner or two on one wheel now and loves her cart, mainly because she can go even faster than before. Thank you to the staff at k9 for giving my dog her life back.